Friday, November 12, 2010

Why all the Pranks & Bad Behavior?

Hey Jake & Austin,
I wonder why you think John Green (the author) created a world where the characters participate in so much negative behavior? Do you think that kids should be living sort of on their own in high school? Are there connections you can make between these kids at a boarding school in the 2000s and the kids from Dead Poet's Society in the 1950s?

discussion about Looking for Alaska

i think that the Colonel and Alaska will prank back the people who flooded Alaska's room and they will get Miles caught up in it and it will be something really bad and Miles will be the only one that gets caught and he will get expelled. if you guys have any other thoughts then you should comment on this post
All right then Jake, only if you read it again too.

Jed if you are starting acceleration again then you should start a discussion about it

Friday, November 5, 2010

I think pudge should not get mixed up in chips drinking and smoking shananigans.
Very good book so far. i like all the mischeif

Page count

Friday, October 29, 2010

book deadlines for looking for alaska

1. page 30 by tonight
2. page 70 by wednesday 110 by friday
4, page 150 by tuesday 190 by friday
6 22o by tuesday
7 finish by thursday

Peace Yo