Friday, November 12, 2010

Why all the Pranks & Bad Behavior?

Hey Jake & Austin,
I wonder why you think John Green (the author) created a world where the characters participate in so much negative behavior? Do you think that kids should be living sort of on their own in high school? Are there connections you can make between these kids at a boarding school in the 2000s and the kids from Dead Poet's Society in the 1950s?


  1. i think its just about having freedom and ceasing the day. i also think that maybe some of the kids that are there are only there because their parents cant handle them because they are so rebellious.

  2. I think since the kids are so independent at boarding school they grow more of a mischevous attitude. I think the kids behave quite similiar in the 2000's than in the 1950's they were both very mischievous and independent. i Thing John Green uses all the pranking and smoking to demonstrate that the kids are grown up but they are also still kids

  3. i dont think the parents would send them to this nice expensive boarding school because they are to hard to handle and bad. i think they would send them to more of a military school

  4. i agree with jake. the lack of parental supervision has given the kids a false sense of adult-hood but they are still kids so they still prank people

  5. I also think they are a bit irresponsible and you would expect 16 year olds to handle themselves on there own but apparently not
